Friday, January 18, 2013

Manti Te'o: How Are We Still Getting Catfished? | YourTango

woman shocked at computer
Did Manti Te'o really have a fake girlfriend for an entire year?

A college football star has allegedly fallen victim to the oldest trick in the Internet dating book.

If you're like me, and you heard the words "Manti Te'o" 48 hours ago, you probably would've said, "What?s that you said about Manatees?" Not even kidding. But now Te'o is everywhere, thanks to the girlfriend-that-never-was and the sob story surrounding his faux relationship.

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Here's the abridged version: Te'o is a senior at the University of Notre Dame whom happens to be really good at football; so good, in fact, that he's in the running to win the Heisman Trophy this year. His outstanding playing on the field made him a piece of human interest off the field, which led to him openly discussing his long-distance girlfriend, Lennay Kekua, a Stanford student who had a full roster of sob stories for Te'o to share: serious car accident, diagnosed with Leukemia, etc.?In late 2012, news breaks that Te'o's grandmother and his beloved girlfriend passed away within six hours of one another ? a serious blow for Te'o and an enormous opportunity for "perseverance through tragedy" media coverage throughout his senior season.

However, yesterday Deadspin broke some shocking news: SHE NEVER EXISTED. Amidst the back-and-forth that is now coming by way of statements from Te'o and the University of Notre Dame, we can gather that: 1. the supposed relationship existed entirely online and 2. someone apparently created Kekua's identity using photos from a real woman?s social media account. Sound familiar? Yes, it sure does. Here?s why: Catfish.

Even more interesting to consider, now that we've got the details down, is how someone can still be getting "Catfished" in 2013. The film, released in 2010, brought to life the idea of falling in love with a "person" who, in actuality, doesn?t exist; rather, the identity was created. Now MTV has turned it into a television show, spotlighting people who had been lured in by online love only to find that on the other side of the screen awaits a completely different person. What?s going on here people?

I think it's safe to assume that we all know how to use Google, and have likely run a search or two on potential love interests in the past year, if not the past week. It's easy enough to create a Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and email address under a false identity, but deeper search results are harder to come by. A little bit of digging might have shown that aside from social media, records of Kekua don't exist ? not at Stanford, not anywhere.?Keep reading ...

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