Thursday, February 16, 2012

Romance RP Partner Search

Hello! :D

I'm looking for someone I can roleplay a love story with. I can play both male and female so I don't really mind. Here are a couple of roleplay ideas I have. Please let me know of which of the ones listed below that you would be interested in

1. It would be a summer romance. Two people from insanely different backgrounds drawn to this beautiful lake down south. It's a free for all along the lines of plot, details, etc. but that's mainly what I'm looking for.

2. Very specific roleplay. This would be a futuristic roleplay. Two dominant nations rule Earth and are just on the brink of what could become a catastrophe. The two nations are just about to go into war. I would play the male role here since he has a lot of background to the story. He would be a very genuis young scientist who is responsible for the creation of the deadly weapon of choice that his nation will bring out during the war. It has the potential to kill off thousands of people per single hit.

The girl would be the commander's eldest daughter who struggles to behave as she should with the tugging in her heart that burns WAR IS WRONG. The story would basically be how they meet, the weeks or months leading up to the declaration of war, and the execution of their plan to stop the war.

I need major input for this roleplay. I need someone who can help me make a decision and someone who can handle a very, very complex plot. Please PM me for more details concerning this. A lot of plot information needs to be covered along with details such as the nations' name, the weapon, etc.

3. A light hearted high school romance. This girl has a detailed diary of her perfect boyfriend. She writes in detail his facial features, his likes, dislikes, family, personality, weaknesses, skills, what he gets angry at, his quirks, etc... One day she brings her book along with her to the park and she drops it.

A witch/fairy/magical goddess creature finds it and decides to create this "perfect man" that the girl has dreamed dearly about. The witch makes him perfect in the girl's eyes along with a matching background. She sends him to her school and the girl sees her perfect boy. The only problem is... he isn't in love with her.

Now this roleplay can go of several directions so PM me ideas you have and I'll let you know about my thoughts.

If you are interested in any of the three topics listed above please let me know with a response down below or a PM. Thanks for reading!!


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