Monday, September 17, 2012

The Benefits And Uses Of Acupuncture | My Handy Infos

Inserting needles into specific points in the body is a practice that has been followed by the Chinese for thousands of years. Today, this treatment has entered Western medicine and has been used to treat a range of problems. To learn more about acupuncture Milford CT residents should read on.

In ancient China it was believed that there are flows of power that run through out bodies, known as chi. This power may get obstructed at points called meridians, causing all sorts of medical conditions to occur. Needles, when inserted in these points, can restore the flow of chi.

Western scientists are unable to say exactly how this treatment works, however it has been proven to show significant benefits in certain conditions, particularly pain, muscular problems and nausea and vomiting.

There is no robust scientific evidence about how effective needle treatments are, as no large placebo controlled studies have been carried out. This makes this therapy controversial among Western trained health practitioners, who claim there is no anatomical or physiological basis for the therapy.

Despite the controversy, however, the World Health Organization has come to the conclusion that needle treatment can be used to treat a variety of common complaints effectively. These include tension headaches, muscular pains and common side effects of chemotherapy such as a dry mouth and nausea and vomiting.

Each needle session lasts around half an hour, during which time the needles will be inserted by the therapist into meridians, where they will stay for around 20 to 30 minutes. Most patients will need a session every few days.

When the needles enter the skin it is usually not uncomfortable, with only a mild pricking sensation. However some patients may experience an ache deep in their muscles when the needle is inserted deeply.

Although there has been little research done on the effects of needles, anecdotes suggest that the effects are largely positive. To find out more information about acupuncture Milford CT patients should look up a therapist online today.

There is a lot more helpful information about How Acupuncture Can Help You at our website.


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