Wednesday, September 19, 2012

VoIP Business Solutions: Five Common Pitfalls in Selection and ...

The business world has often been characterized as a jungle, and the comparison holds in one critical regard: in both, one must adapt or die. As the cutting edge of technology continues to blaze ahead, new options and solutions for businesses are introduced almost daily, creating a ?predator?s dilemma? with the abundance of choices. One of the newer business innovations is the use of VoIP telecommunications solutions, but in their rush to stay head of the pack, some business owners seize VoIP without fully understanding what their business needs from the technology.

The Five Common Pitfalls of VoIP Implementation

  1. Failure to understand the business?s requirements. Not all companies in all fields have the same telecommunication needs, nor will they equally benefit from the same VoIP solutions. With the variety of VoIP solutions available, it?s important for a business owner to understand which will benefit his company most, or if conventional telecommunications technology will suffice.
  2. Lack of attention to cost and value analyses. Every business has an operating budget, and every VoIP solution has an implementation cost. Even if a particular VoIP solution would be ideal for a company?s needs, financial constraints may make it more practical to implement the technology gradually, in stages, rather than all at once. Incorporating new technology always requires an investment, but the business owner?s reach should not exceed his grasp.
  3. Neglecting to train workers with the new technology. Even the best VoIP telecommunications solutions will only benefit a company if it is used. Buying new technology is only the first step, and even the most user-friendly solutions have a learning curve. Without training, employees will ignore the new solutions at best, and lose productivity in trying to figure them out on their own at worst.
  4. Omission of disaster recovery management. Like insurance, disaster recovery management is something one gets in the hope of never needing to use it ? and business owners who forget or go without it run into major problems when something goes wrong. Disaster recovery solutions are simple to implement when switching to a VoIP telecommunication system, and taking the precaution can save a company significant regrets later.
  5. Absence of network testing prior to implementation. It is critical to know before attempting a switch to VoIP solutions whether a business?s network will be able to handle the conversion. Discovering problems after the implementation is complete means wasted funds, time, and effort.


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