Monday, September 10, 2012

Computers and Technology: Hardware Article Category | Mana ...

Geographic Profiling: One More Way Computers May Help Solve Crimes.

If you are running or managing any type of business or not for profit organization, data backup and recovery is one of your most important protective activities. Over ten thousand businesses per year have become victims of computer crashes and data losses due to either no backup and/or nor recovery plan, or implementing a data recovery plan, which is totally not effective for your business needs. Loss of your important records or files may result in loss of business, possible penalties and fines from regulators or even loss of your reputation, which you have spent many years in building for your organization. Businesses who lose data are often thought of as being disorganized in today's information technology environment. A good data backup plan will prevent this kind of accident from happening to you or your business.

Microsoft Windows Server is a popular operating system used by approximately 84% of businesses and non-profit entities operating in the United States. Microsoft Servers will allow a secure and completely functional I.T. environment to be established and maintained by your organization. Windows Server's contain a key feature for backing up your data, which is the ability to store and manage vast numbers of files, documents and folders. Obviously, backing up these files containing your valuable data, that is stored in your system is essential to the operation of your organization or company. Windows Server comes installed with a Backup Utility that works with a variety of tape backup devices, including the DDS tape auto loader. These backup devices require media back up tape, which can be purchased from your online office supply store.

One example includes the tar program, which is used for backup data on tape devices. The tape library device, known as an auto loader, allows you to access and store data on tapes using only one tape drive. The auto loader tape storage devices use the tar utility for backup purposes and to preserve rarely used data in your computer system. The tar program includes options to compress, make a catalog of files on a tape and create multi-tape archives.

The media has been promoting storage of your data files on the cloud. The cloud may be an excellent option for some aspects of your business, however you may want to keep some important records on back up tape, simply for the reason of having access and physical control.

A student's choice of technological innovation levels at the bachelor's level might include anything from it to activity art and style. Mt. Sierra Higher education in Monrovia Caliph alone provides bachelor level programs in media arts & style with a choice of levels in graphics activity art and style, visual effects and digital video or multimedia arts and style. Mt. Sierra also provides it levels with levels in telecommunications technological innovation, details security and PC it. West wood Higher education, which has locations in California Colorado Georgia Illinois Texas and Virginia provides bachelors levels in activity development significant system management and more An article in the March 2009 edition of Network World reported on the debate as to whether company or it skills were more important as far as the country's competitiveness. At the Cardiff Business Institution in Lower Burr ell Pa for example, learners can work toward a bachelor's level in company that emphasizes microcomputer programs or bookkeeping and PC program.

Computer Technology Degree Graduates See Career Boom

The Cardiff Business Institution also provides a level in company details and technological innovation program application and programming. Where the microcomputer programs program is designed to prepare learners for professions as details and program specialist's techniques operators, program consultants, data entry PC sales and more the bookkeeping and PC program offering can prepare learners for professions that include account managers internal auditors bookkeeping payroll specialists public cost and tax accountants according to the Cardiff Business Institution website. Students at other institutions might instead opt for technological innovation those under 18 rather than technological innovation levels. Institutions such as West Virginia Wesleyan Higher education in Buchanan

Val offer opportunities to significant in it or PC details technology as well as to choose a it minor. Northwestern Higher education in St. Paul Minn. provides PC computer and management PC those under 18. Nova South eastern University in Fort Lauder dale, Fla., also provides technological innovation those under 18. Nova Southeaster's it minor according to the institution can be combined with almost any significant except for those such as PC computer, it. With degrees in these areas, learners might find work in in-de

One of the most reliable degrees job-wise is it. Use your it level to create new program and programs for companies and situations of all kinds - become a programs designer. In it you will manage and control everything involving programs, database techniques hardware and programming. For learners working toward technological innovation levels, the future career outlook seems bright. The Institution of Labor Statistics anticipates fast career growth within the industry. Some technological innovation jobs might offer more opportunities than others. The Institution of Labor Statistics (BS) includes 12 wide-ranging categories for technological innovation occupations the Association for Computing Machinery notes. Within these categories can be several different professions for which learners working toward technological innovation levels might train. Some of the greatest career growth might be enjoyed by programs engineers system techniques and data communications analyst's paces staff and those involved with paces program and programs details from the Institution shows.

A student's choice of technological innovation levels at the bachelor's level might include anything from it to activity art and style. Mt. Sierra Higher education in Monrovia Caliph alone provides bachelor level programs in media arts & style with a choice of levels in graphics activity art and style, visual effects and digital video or multimedia arts and style. Mt. Sierra also provides it levels with levels in telecommunications technological innovation, details security and PC it. West wood Higher education, which has locations in California Colorado Georgia Illinois Texas and Virginia provides bachelors levels in activity development significant system management and more An article in the March 2009 edition of Network World reported on the debate as to whether company or it skills were more important as far as the country's competitiveness. At the Cardiff Business Institution in Lower Burr ell Pa for example, learners can work toward a bachelor's level in company that emphasizes microcomputer programs or bookkeeping and PC program.

The Cardiff Business Institution also provides a level in company details and technological innovation program application and programming. Where the microcomputer programs program is designed to prepare learners for professions as details and program specialist's techniques operators, program consultants, data entry PC sales and more the bookkeeping and PC program offering can prepare learners for professions that include account managers internal auditors bookkeeping payroll specialists public cost and tax accountants according to the Cardiff Business Institution website. Students at other institutions might instead opt for technological innovation those under 18 rather than technological innovation levels. Institutions such as West Virginia Wesleyan Higher education in Buchanan

Val offer opportunities to significant in it or PC details technology as well as to choose a it minor. Northwestern Higher education in St. Paul Minn. provides PC computer and management PC those under 18. Nova South eastern University in Fort Lauder dale, Fla., also provides technological innovation those under 18. Nova Southeaster's it minor according to the institution can be combined with almost any significant except for those such as PC computer, it. With degrees in these areas, learners might find work in in-demand fields such as system and system staff, PC engineers and more, details from the Nova South eastern University web site shows

Every time the headlines are full of the latest Cyber Crime or malware Scare story such as the Flame virus, the need to review the security standards employed by your organization takes on a new level of urgency.

The Advanced Persistent threat differs from a regular hack or Trojan attack in that it is as the name suggests, advanced in technology and technique, and persistent, in that it is typically a sustained theft of data over many months.

So far the APT has largely been viewed as Government sponsored cyber-espionage in terms of the resources needed to orchestrate such an attack, such as the recent Flame malware which appears to have been a US or Israeli backed espionage initiative against Iran. However you always see the leading edge of technology become the norm a year later, so expect to see APT attacks reach the more mainstream, competitor-backed industrial espionage, and 'hacktivist' groups like Lulzsec and Anonymous adopting similar approaches.

The common vector for these attacks is a targeted spear phishing infiltration of the organization. Using Facebook, LinkedIn or other social media makes identification of targets much easier today, and also what kind of phishing 'bait' is going to be most effective in duping the target into providing the all-important welcoming click on the tasty links or downloads offered.

Phishing is already a well-established tool for Organized Crime gangs who will utilize these same profiled spear phishing techniques to steal data. As an interesting aside regarding organized crimes' usage of 'cybermuscle', it is reported that prices for botnets are plummeting at the moment due to oversupply of available robot networks. If you want to coerce an organization with a threat of disabling their web presence, arm yourself with a global botnet and point it at their site - DDOS attacks are easier than ever to orchestrate.

Something Must Be Done...

To be clear on what we are saying here, it isn't that AV or firewalls are no use, far from it. But the APT style of threat will evade both by design and this is the first fact to acknowledge - like the first step for a recovering alcoholic the first step is to admit you have a problem!

By definition, this kind of attack is the most dangerous because any attack that is smart enough to skip past standard defense measures is definitely going to be one that is backed by a serious intent to damage your organization (note: don't think that APT technology is therefore only an issue for blue chip organizations - that may have been the case but now that the concepts and architecture of the APT is in the mainstream, the wider hacker and hacktivist communities will already have engineered their own interpretations of the APT)

So the second fact to take on board is that there is an 'art' to delivering effective security and that requires a continuous effort to follow process and cross-check that security measures are working effectively.

The good news is that it is possible to automate the cross-checks and vigilance we have identified a need for, and in fact there are already two key technologies designed to detect abnormal occurrences within systems and to verify that security best practices are being operated.

File Integrity Monitoring and SIEM - Why Layered Security Is Essential to Combat the APT

File Integrity Monitoring or FIM serves to record any changes to the file system i.e. core operating system files or program components, and the systems' configuration settings i.e. user accounts, password policy, services, installed software, management and monitoring functions, registry keys and registry values, running processes and security policy settings for audit policy settings, user rights assignment and security options. FIM is designed to both verify that a device remains hardened and free of vulnerabilities at all time, and that the filesystem remains free of any malware.?

Therefore even if some form of APT malware manages to infiltrate a critical server, well implemented FIM will detect file system changes before any rootkit protective measures that may be employed by the malware can kick in.

Likewise SIEM, or Security Information and Event Management, systems are designed to gather and analyze all system audit trails/event logs and correlate these with other security information to present a true picture of whether anything unusual and potentially security threatening is happening.

It is telling that widely adopted and practiced security standards such as the PCI DSS place these elements at their core as a means of maintaining system security and verifying that key processes like Change Management are being observed.

At the core of any comprehensive security standard is the concept of layered security - firewalling, IPS, AV, patching, hardening, DLP, tokenization, secure application development and data encryption, all governed by documented change control procedures and underpinned by audit trail analysis and file integrity monitoring. Even then with standards like the PCI DSS there is a mandated requirement for Pen Testing and Vulnerability Scanning as further checks and balances that security is being maintained.


In summary, your security policy should be built around the philosophy that technology helps secure your organizations' data, but that nothing can be taken for granted. Only by practicing continuous surveillance of system activity can you truly maintain data security, very much the essence of the Art of Layered Security.

Basics of Digital Forensics and Evidence

NNT is a leading provider of general Security and PCI DSS Compliance solutions. As both a PCI DSS Compliance Software Manufacturer and Security Services Provider, we are firmly focused on helping organisations protect their sensitive data against security threats and network breaches in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

NNT solutions are straightforward to use and offer exceptional value for money, making it easy and affordable for organisations of any size to achieve and retain compliance at all times. Each product has the guidelines of the PCI DSS at its core, which can then be tailored to suit any internal best practice or external compliance initiative.

The science of forensics is essentially the study of legal issues and pursuit of answers to legal questions by applying scientific knowledge using technology. There are two specific cases where legal system becomes involved are; first, is when a private party, such as a business, requires facts to support a civil action like a lawsuit. The second instance occurs when a crime is suspected or has been committed. Now, in both cases, a forensics investigator, or rather a practitioner of forensic science must check the current available resources to find facts that are supported by the available resources. And more so, the facts help answer the questions expected or asked by the legal system.

Forensics Investigations

There are differences between investigations initiated within the private business sector differ much from investigations initiated by public officials for criminal investigations. The most significant difference is the potential impact from the investigation. Private sector investigations potentially result in any or all the following events:

The loss/gain of money or goods

The loss or retention of employment

Potential disciplinary actions

Criminal charges

The most frequent cause for an investigation in the public sector is criminal activity which has the potential to incarcerate private citizens. In very few cases, a public investigation will involve the liability of public officials in issues involving public safety and these investigations can result in the loss of public taxpayer funds, or may influence new legislation. Since most public investigations involve crimes and the criminals that commit them, the term public investigation will be used synonymously with criminal investigation in the rest of the text.

The monetary costs associated with legal action are notable motivators for forensics in investigations. In public investigations, prosecution can take years and cost millions of taxpayer dollars in court costs. Suspects in the prosecution must legal defense which comes at a cost and, even if ultimately proven innocent, defendants in legal cases may suffer loss of reputation and employment. If the prosecution fails to successfully convict, the suspect entitled to restitution for losses to reputation or wages. To make matters worse, the suspect will likely have to pursue a private legal action to recoup damages which result in yet more costs.

Legal actions in the private sector are not exempt from monetary motivators. Private sector legal action can extend over several years and cost millions in private funds. Besides the potential monetary costs, private sector cases often bear a high cost in time and inconvenience for all participants.The likelihood of successful legal action whether it be private or public increases substantially as the confidence level in the facts of the investigation increase.

For example, private sector cases are often examining facts to assess if a company policy or employment contract violated. With very few exceptions, public sector investigations that involve law enforcement such as investigations that result from a crime occurring or in cases where a crime is suspected to have occurred.

Private investigations have the potential of revealing criminal activity. Though the technology and tools for gathering facts are the same or similar in private and public sector cases, the procedure to gather the two will differ much. Even though they differ, the two rules are rarely incompatible; but do need agreement with all private parties including the forensics investigators, and private sector attorneys as well as local law enforcement and public attorneys to keep up confidence levels in the facts of the investigati.

Forensic investigators is trained to be a professionals who apply the science of forensics. They apply skills to many sciences and disciplines such as geology, physics, chemistry, toxicology and many more. Therefore, forensics can be defined as the application of diverse scientific disciplines to the answering of legal questions. The first function of a forensics investigator is to assess the legality and appropriateness of collecting evidence. The nature of investigations requires that evidence collection and analysis be performed in full compliance with the law. Both public and private investigations must respect the rights of private citizens.

Once probable cause is established, a call for is issued. With call for in hand, law enforcement is granted the right to search for only specific evidence of a crime but is allowed to collect any evidence in "plain sight" that is clear and telling that any crime has been committed.

Another function of the forensics investigator is to support an exact "chain of custody" of all evidence gathered in a case. The chain of custody is a simple record of what the evidence is who gathered it, when it was gathered, and who accessed it. An exact chain of custody is required to prevent contamination or even the appearance of contamination of the evidence. The chain of custody is equally important in both public and private investigations.


Whether public or private, the facts of a case emerge from evidence in an investigation. Evidence is best defined as anything real or ephemeral that reveals and objectively proves the facts of an investigation. Evidence is generally used to prove the facts that a crime was committed; the suspect committed or did not commit a crime, the order of events during the commission of a crime, the motive:

The forms of the evidence can be either; blood evidence, material traced evidence, finger prints, private or personal records, public records, drug content, surveillance evidence, confession and testimony.

During an investigation, two very different roles emerge in the field of forensics. The first role is that of evidence collection. This role requires relatively limited experience, training, and qualifications. An investigator in this role will often travel to the scene of a crime or can be called to prepare evidence for the second role. The second role is that of evidence analysis. Here, evidence is reviewed, assessed, and analyzed for facts and conclusions.


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